
logo-2 Ta Wei Sandblast Machinery Co., Ltd.
公司簡介 Company Profile
本公司專業生產各式噴砂機以符合工業界不同需求,秉持『誠信負責,品質至上,以客為尊,永續經營』的理念, 以多角化 經營,不斷開發一系列新機種及新市場,並不斷創新研發各型工件表面處理新 機種,使處理產品多元化,對於提升產能,降低生產成本,提高產品附加價值 均具正面意義,以追求高品質機種來服務社會大眾,使本公司產品更具國際化與競爭力。

        Tay Way Machinery Co., Ltd. founded in year 1987, is specialized in manufacturing different types of blast machinries in order to meet various industrial requirements. Keeping in mind the principles of honesty, responsibility, quality, value of the customer and the desire of striving for the best, we run our business in a diverse approach. In addtion, continuingly developing new models of machineries and new markdets and endlessly innovating new tools for surface handling, we are able to increase our production rate and lower the production costs. We pursue after machineries with high quality to serve our customers and hence procure the internationalization and competitiveness for our products.


噴砂機找大威 TEL: 02-2293-9960 FAX: 02-2295-1584 E-mail:tawei.t888@msa.hinet.net

噴砂機 集塵機 研掃機 珠擊機 噴砂機工廠 噴砂